I got this classic tale of a day in the life of furloughed journalists from Kirstin.
Perfect timing considering I also just ended a 5-day furlough that did wonders for my mental sanity, but will ultimately make me crazy all over again once I get my next paycheck.
Funny thing is, if Dean Singleton and his corporate cronies were hoping that in addition to decreased expenses, these forced furloughs would also provide some much-needed inspiration in their workforce, they may have been on the right track. Going back to work this week, I felt fresh and motivated - which essentially means ready to work 12-hour shifts again without paid overtime.
And there is talk that these first-quarter furloughs could return in the next three quarters of the fiscal year. I mean that seems to be the trend at Gannett. We employees at Media News stand to lose 8 percent of our salaries if we were furloughed five days each quarter - that's a big chunk, especially if you're a hot shot manager making upwards of $100,000 a year.
I guess the joke's on us.
And by the way, that bit about the furlough beard ---- one of my editors sorely beaten by the fact that he's pretty much been at half staff for the last month and a half is threatening to bring back a morale booster that tried earlier this year: The Moralestache. Yup, a morale mustache.
and you probably hadn't even seen this story
so sorry...